
Going to be on campus this summer? Interested in checking out Triangle Fraternity. Please reach out to Joey at to set up a House Tour!

Who joins Triangle?

Freshmen and sophomore students who express interest in Triangle are:

  • Majoring in the schools of either Engineering, Science, Health and Human Sciences, Aviation, or Purdue Polytechnic
  • Serious about scholarship and are looking for leadership opportunities
  • Interested in participating in social events and campus activities including Purdue Grand Prix , intramural sports, College Mentors for Kids, Boiler Gold Rush, and more
  • Open to living in a house with 50 of their closest friends

While all Triangle members share common bonds, we also pride ourselves on diversity and openness towards new members.

What does membership in Triangle offer?

Triangle, like all fraternities, offers leadership development, training in financial responsibility, support, and friendship. However, Triangle offers the benefit of a similar academic experience for its members. Triangle provides a tightly-knit group of peers to help you throughout your educational career. In addition, in Triangle Fraternity you will find:

  • A home while you are in college shared with others whose ideals and interests are similar to yours
  • Friendships to last a lifetime
  • Leadership opportunities through participation in chapter operations and leadership seminars
  • Opportunities to get connected on campus
  • A network of alumni members, who may be of great value in your personal and professional life

How much will it cost?

Many potential members ask if it costs more to live at the Triangle house than in a dorm or an apartment. The answer is that it costs about the same to live at Triangle as elsewhere. Purdue students have many housing choices and Triangle must keep its total costs in line with the competition in order to attract new members.

How do I become a member of Triangle?

At our events you can informally meet the active members so that you can get to know us and we can get to know you. Most events involve food and entertainment, so they are also a great time.

In addition to our recruitment events, we also welcome you to stop by the Triangle house during the day to explore what everyday casual life is like. Triangle observes an open door policy, welcoming anyone to stop in and hang out. We’re located across the street from campus at 103 North University Street (map).

If you have questions about rush or would like get on our recruitment list, please email our recruitment director. We would be happy to hear from you!